There are over 400 investors of the McPherson Chamber of Commerce. Find them and other McPherson businesses by type or alphabetical listing.

Become a vital part of a business network that cares about the community and the area that they work, live and do business in.

Looking for something to do? Check out the calendar of fun, educational, and family-friendly events in McPherson County.

To provide low interest loans to entrepreneurs wishing to start, purchase or expand a business in McPherson County.

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  • Do you know a student who’s ready to grow their future in ag? The McPherson Chamber of Commerce AFA Scholarship is an excellent opportunity for those pursuing careers in agriculture, food, or related fields. Any high school senior residing in McPherson County or attending a......

  • “There’s no better place to experience music than Nashville, a city of storytellers and dreamers, where all are welcome with an authentic, friendly, creative spirit.” Join the Chamber for a memorable 2025 Women’s Trip as we explore Nashville, Tennessee, September 26-30. The Women’s Trip Committe...

  • The McPherson Chamber of Commerce’s Civic Awareness Committee invites you to the annual Legislative Update on February 8th at 9:00 a.m. at Kansas Municipal Utilities (KMU), 2090 E. Ave. A., McPherson. This event is a key part of our commitment to civic engagement and informed......

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Join us for our weekly coffee, fueling connections one sip at a time. Let's gather at the Chamber office to hear whatMcPherson Community Theatreeatre has in the works! ... See MoreSee Less
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Ladies, there's still time to sign up to travel with us to Nashville in September! Deposits are due March 1. Do you know a high school senior or undergrad who wants to build a career in ag? Encourage them to apply for the McPherson Chamber's AFA Scholarship! This week's member spotlight shines on Brown's Shoe Fit. Plus member events, buzz, and volunteer opportunities. ... See MoreSee Less
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4 days ago

McPherson Chamber of Commerce
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Visionary leadership promoting a vibrant business community and enhanced quality of life.