Member Spotlight- STEPMC

Member Spotlight- STEPMC

Steps to End Poverty of McPherson County (STEP MC) is in their 8th year of building community relationships and “creating pathways of opportunity and success.” One step at a time, one goal accomplished, one class completed, one job promotion, one debt paid off, leads to one success story after another for STEPMC Team Leaders and their families. Although the economic impact is huge with each success story, the personal victory and the generational impact of 31 adults and 38 children who are now out of poverty is immeasurable. These 69 lives are forever impacted because of their courageous commitment, their Team Partners, the dedication of STEPMC staff and community partners. “It takes a village….”, and that is what STEPMC has gathered to walk alongside families in poverty as they overcome it. As Interim Director Sandy Hunter said, people in poverty are great problem solvers. With the 18- week program called Getting Ahead, they can build on those skills to set goals and create stability in their lives. During Getting Ahead, participants will learn how to build resources, take away tools to use in dealing with change and most importantly, regain the feeling of hope.

Starting with “new and good” news, sets the tone of the weekly STEPMC Nights, followed by sharing a family style dinner prepared by community groups and closing out the evening with appreciation. These weekly STEPMC Nights are a great way to connect with other Leaders and Partners and rejuvenate.

Sherrie Rickerson, STEPMC Coach encouraged the community to join in the STEPMC Share Nights to learn more about the challenges STEPMC Team Leaders have overcome as well as their success stories of achieving goals and dreams. Learn from Team Leaders about how their lives have been impacted by their journey with STEPMC. See the calendar on the STEPMC website at for upcoming events or reach out to the staff at 620-241-9011 for opportunities to get involved as a Team Partner, prepare a meal, or various ways to share your talents. The office for Steps to End Poverty of McPherson County is located at 1200 E. Kansas.