Member Spotlight – Be Wealth

Member Spotlight – Be Wealth

November 1st will mark Be Wealth’s 1st anniversary in McPherson, which they celebrated with a Chamber Ribbon Cutting October 12th. Financial advisor Marc Seller spoke at the ceremony as the local representative as most of the team works out of the Salina office.

Marc said he values being part of that team because of the wealth of knowledge they share.

“What we’re trying to do is provide any service we can whether you’re just fresh out of college or fresh married or trying to get a plan in place, trying to get your finances in order to ‘hey, I’m looking to sell a business, we want to get 401Ks,’ stuff on the employment side,” said Marc. “We really run the full gamut of things. We’ve got a lot of folks, and someone’s got that experience.”

Be Wealth offers investments, comprehensive financial planning, and access to insurance. They help clients regardless of life stage, income or goals, to create financial plans that help to manage short- and long-term goals.

They look at “what do we need to do long term to focus on legacy, and how do we plan for the shorter term – traveling, different purchase,” Marc said. “I really try to keep with the KISS method – Keep It Simple Stupid.”

Learn more about Be Wealth at on their website and Facebook page, or call the McPherson office at 620-241-7733 to schedule a consultation. Be sure to check out the photos from their ribbon cutting.