Member Spotlight- Circles of McPherson County

Member Spotlight- Circles of McPherson County

What is the #1 cause of poverty?  Good question and one that attendees discussed during the Chamber coffee hosted by Circles of McPherson County.  The answer: Birth!  With the powerful success stories of the Circles program in McPherson, being born into poverty doesn’t mean that is where you must spend your life.  In fact, since Circles of McPherson County began, 23 adults and 29 children have moved out of poverty, changing lives of generations to come.  According to Rebecca Lewis-Pankratz, their goal is to “bring families to the front porch of middle class”.  Circles of McPherson County works with families, equipping them with a tool set to get from “constantly solving problems” with a $12-15,000 income to the goal of a $48,000 income where their lives are more stable and self-sufficient. The first tools are gaining knowledge and building relationships during an eighteen week Getting Ahead Class. At the completion of the class, Circle Leaders are paired with intentional friends known as Allies. Together with the social capitol /connections, having a support system of friends and working towards their goals, Circle Leaders have realized numerous dreams and a better future.

New Director, Alana Murphy said Circles of McPherson County is one of the leading chapters in helping people out of poverty.  With the determination of Circle Leaders, the framework of Circles and the commitment of the community, they are transforming lives.  Alana also highlighted upcoming events and various ways to get involved such as providing a meal or childcare on Thursday evenings, joining the career and education team, resource team or big view team to becoming an ally.  Find out more at or contact Circles of McPherson County at 620-241-9011.  Stay connected with their latest news by liking them on Facebook or sign up to receive their newsletters.

Thank you Carrie, Dawn and Amanda for sharing your unique journey, special moments, amazing accomplishments and the powerful message of hope!   And special thanks to Amanda Leppke for sharing her baking talents so we could all indulge in some scrumptious sweets.  Celebrate with Getting Ahead Graduates, August 18th at 6pm at the First United Methodist Church. Then on August 25th at 6 pm at the Church of the Brethren, hear their powerful stories, the impact of Circles of McPherson County and their future plans.  Your opportunity to make a difference is now-get involved with Circles of McPherson County and be a part of positive changes.  “Action without vision is only passing time, vision without action is merely day dreaming, but vision with action can change the world.” ~Nelson Mandela