Pick Up Donations

Pick Up Donations

Pick Up Donated Items Job Description

Using personal transportation, pick up donated products and bring to the Receiving are at the ReUse It Center at 120 S. 81 Bypass


·         Greet each donor with thanks for their intent to help this ministry

·         Decide if the merchandise is acceptable and worthy to keep

·         If item is not acceptable, explain a better source for the product and how customer can get it there


Time Commitment

Occasionally as needed

Skill Requirements

·         Excellent interpersonal skills, including tact, understanding and inclusiveness for all people

·         Drivers license and truck and/or trailer to pick up donations

·         Physically be able to lift and handle heavy objects

Supervision and Training

The Store Manager will provide orientation/training for this position and will be available for any questions.

To inquire about this opportunity, contact shulah.ruic@lrmutual.com or 620-245-0122.
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Website ReUse It Center

Believing that God calls us to serve others & save resources, the Center collects new & used building materials & sells them at reasonable prices to the public. The proceeds go to others in need locally & globally. Volunteers are needed when store is open in receiving, cashiering, & helping customers, also to process items when store is closed.