Join Us

Since 1921 the McPherson Chamber of Commerce has been a vehicle for accomplishment, for achievement of a better community and civic “KNOW HOW.”

The reasons for joining the McPherson Chamber of Commerce are too numerous to list here. Certainly, the 11 standing committees serve to meet a majority of our member’s and community needs and priorities.Traditionally the Chamber has served as a membership focused organization, but in reality, has been utilized as a community focused organization, meaning the Chamber’s role reaches much further than the membership itself. The Chamber is an advocate for the constituents it serves with the goals of creating a climate of growth and success for everyone in McPherson.

Some members are interested in networking opportunities for new business leads, others are interested in the work the Chamber does in cooperative promotions, special events, forums, and other related partnership opportunities. Of course there are also those members that enjoy rolling up their sleeves and giving back to the community that has provided business prosperity for them. We have some of the best, brightest, hardworking and dedicated volunteers to address and tackle some of the key issues facing our community.

You may ask yourself what is the “return on investment?” This can be complicated because the “return” factor varies in definition from business to business and individual to individual. Most will say that the true key to getting a return on a Chamber membership is getting involved. It’s like Woody Allen once said, “90% of life is just showing up.”

The McPherson Chamber of Commerce is made up of people and businesses who want to make something happen. The Chamber reflects the interests of groups and individuals for the common good and then works together to insure efforts to make the city and surrounding area a great place to live and do business.

The McPherson Chamber of Commerce is YOU!

Member Benefits
